The plan is to raise the funds for a deposit in 2024, whereby everyone willing to contribute can have their personal plan, based on what they want to give to this end. This is free of any pressure or any fixed fee and completely free to the individual. All help is valued greatly.
Despite the free and willingly individual plans, it is our plan to raise up to 200.000 euro’s in 3 years’ time that could be taken to the National Church Office as a start for the buying of a complex.
HOW – if Person ‘A’ wants to fund this is how
Person A wants to contribute to the Amsterdam City Church Complex, in 3 years Person A wants to raise 3000 euro’s for this means and save this up weekly with a kick-off deposit of 1000 euros.
That boils down to 12.82 euros every week as a contribution separated from the kick-off deposit.
These funds would be received through cash, but preferably through online banking and the secretary provides updates to the individual on the saved money so far. Internally a prognosis is made for the generated funds at the end of the 3 years with a margin of error. This helps in the plans for looking for a complex to buy, and hence the deposit that would be needed in line with the complex.
- BY CASH OR GO TO www.amsterdamcitychurch.nl/give
- Type amount
Type description Building fund, ‘month eg. Building fund, march
Amsterdam City Church is a young, energetic, ambitious and Bible-rooted church with the mission to spread the gospel throughout all ends of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and the world at large. Through the gifts and talents that the Lord has deposited on the leaders, presbytery, staff and members, God’s excellence is radiated through all the happenings at Amsterdam City Church.
The Church has engaged in numerous evangelism activities and activities to serve the community at large in the examples of blood donating, doing work at prisons and at nurseries. Amsterdam City Church has a vision of creating jobs in the community and want to grow as a church that spreads Christ through various means.
For this reason, Amsterdam City Church is looking to buy its own property that would include a hall for the Gospel Sunday Service Experience, The Bible Academy & Preacher’s Digest lecture rooms, ACC health centre, ACC social centre, library, restaurant, and studios, Rooms for Sunday School Children, a Day-care and School.
Amsterdam City Church is looking ahead and preparing itself for this reality that is near, in the near future. The plan and mission set before Amsterdam City Church is big and as one big family, we have the opportunity to all contribute to this mission and become the foundational fathers and mothers of the new Amsterdam City Church Complex. All of us, will be permanently engrafted in this great milestone for Amsterdam City Church.